
I had a dream…but I forgot about it
I went to church, I know, good for me
Abinadi told me to pick up the players Tom dropped
uhhhh, he dropped them because they were no good
That made me remember
I had a dream
That I was number 1 in our Ultimate Fantasy League

The rain debate

I recently had a discussion with some friends on whether or not it was enjoyable to walk in the rain.  There were mixed opinions, some wrong I might add.

Since it has been raining a bit this week in Texas, I decided to test out the idea and give a walk in the rain a try.  I set out to check the mail, a simple, short walk with the pups.  Wasn’t raining too hard when we ventured out, then decided to pour for our homecoming journey.

Prior to the down-pour:

Here are the results of who enjoyed and who didn’t on a scale of one to ten, and this settles the debate.

Bear: 12+

Zoe: 5

Me: -5

It was horrible for me, Zoe was indifferent and Bear was in Bear-Heaven.

No one enjoys walking in the rain unless you are Bear.

Zoe chose to hang back with me and attempt to get dry.

Again, no one enjoys walking in the rain…

A Changed Man

So I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes the other day.

Afterward I hugged my dogs, and feeling horribly guilty, asked them if they had good lives and if I was taking good enough care of them.

They said yes, but I still feel bad.

A rotten trick

“Hey Tom, I’ll make you some fudge.”

“Thanks Molly, that’s uncharacteristically sweet of you. What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing, I just want to do something nice for a change. But I need that pan cleaned so I can make the fudge. So can you clean it?”


“But to do that, you’ll need to empty the dishwasher and then re-load it, so you’ll have room to clean the pan.”


“Alright Tom, I have to go get ready for the Relief Society activity, so will you mix all of these ingredients for me?”


“Just keep mixing! I’m almost ready!”

“Okay Tom, thanks for mixing, I have to leave, so when the timer goes off you can stop mixing. Then just take it off the stove, mix in the chocolate and the marshmallow cream and the vanilla. You’re doing great. Bye, I love you!”

“Mmm, Tom, this fudge is delicious. Aren’t you glad I made it for you?”

Dog Days

Zoe isn’t big enough, so we went and got a Boxer/Great Pyrenees mix. He’s a puppy, but we’re hopeful that he’ll grow into a huge, man-eating dog the size of a house.

If you ask Molly, we got him so that at least one dog will love her (since Zoe is indifferent to her, and loves me). So don’t ask Molly. Just believe me.

I tried uploading pictures, but to no avail. Maybe we’ll Facebook them.

Brian Regan

Yesterday I was talking to Molly as I drove home from work, and she said, “Drive safe.”

To which I replied, “You too. Uh, I mean, see you soon.”

What the what?

A couple of days ago, a student brought a gun to the school where Molly student-teaches. She is perfectly safe, thankfully.

Yesterday, a bomb threat was called in at my building. We were all evacuated, so no worries.

What’s up with that?
